Friday, August 22, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

San Marcos, Texas

San Marcos, Texas has been experiencing some unfortunate mishaps. First there were was the water problem. There was a series of breaking pipes followed by flooding EVERYWHERE! At one point i had to drive through basically a river in the middle of campus. crazy. Then they announced that the water might be contaminated. Taco Bell actually shut down. yeah. and not one place in San Marcos was selling fountain drinks. It was crazy.
Second, there was a black out. Everything south of Wonderworld. No power at all. traffic lights were out. I was just sitting at home then everything goes black. First I thought it was just my house, then i went outside the whole community was out. This happened just before dark and there was some crazy lightning going on in the distance. So i took my dog for a walk. It was fun. When i got back home it was dark. completely dark. so i went to wal-mart. I then got stalked by some creep covered in paint. Then i overheard some comments made by some guys when i passed them. What they don't know is that i can understand Spanish.

So San Marcos, all i want to say to you is, please get those college kids back in town. The store maybe more crowded and the roads might have more crazy drivers. But the college kids are so much nicer. Has anyone ever compared the high school to the college? San Marcos you are great, but. I have never gone into town and not been offended or disgusted in one way or another. Don't get me wrong, i really did mean it when i said you are great. its just that you can only spend so much time here before you've just had too much.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Everyone could use a little Proverbs.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A whole new world.

One of my new lenses is a really intense fisheye. I can't stop taking pictures... i just can't.

Now remember kids.... i still don't have photoshop. Or any way of editing. So these are all completely unedited.
Silly Kayla
My new pink Converse FLATS!!
this one's the MACRO!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In the Woods and In the Fisheye.

You should really read this book! I'm currently in the middle of it. Its about an Irish detective that was involved in a murder when he was 12. He and 2 friends were playing in the woods when they all went missing. He was found clinched to a tree with shoes soaked in blood from the inside out. And it wasn't his blood. He didn't talk for 3 weeks and when he finally did he couldn't remember anything. Now almost 20 years later he is assigned the murder case of a child in the same location as his. In some strange way i know they will connect but i don't know how yet. so good. If you like CSI:Las Vegas or CSI:New York you will love this book!! (no one should like CSI:Miami it's terrible)


I would really like to be reading this book right now... but i am doing this...Photobucket

I have to represent myself tomorrow in court. I am actually not as nervous as i started. I feel a like i know my stuff.

I am also getting really distracted by my new lenses.. They are freakin great!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rheumatism or Rheumatic disorder

I would like to show everyone what i learned today...

First off, I have had this for as long as i can remember and today it got really bad and unfortunately i wans't home to take any medicine for it so i had to wait it out. So now that i am home i wanted to learn what exactly it is. This is what i came up with...

"Rheumatism or Rheumatic disorder is a non-specific term for medical problems affecting the heart, bones, joints, kidney, skin and lung. The term 'rheumatism' is still used in colloquial speech and historical contexts, but is no longer frequently used in medical or technical literature; it would be fair to say that there is no longer any recognized disorder simply called 'rheumatism.' Some countries use the word Rheumatism to describe fibromyalgia syndrome.

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a human disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain and tactile allodynia. While the criteria for such an entity have not yet been thoroughly developed, the recognition that fibromyalgia involves more than just pain has led to the frequent use of the term 'fibromyalgia syndrome'. It is not contagious, and recent studies suggest that people with fibromyalgia may be genetically predisposed.(Thank you Harold :)
There appears to be no firm evidence in favor or against but, it has been concluded that 'changes in barometric pressure are the main link between weather and pain. Low pressure is generally associated with cold, wet weather and an increase in pain. Clear, dry conditions signal high pressure and a decrease in pain'."

Now i'm pretty sure this is what it is. i always forget exactly what its called but basically the way i describe it is that when the weather changes, my legs hurt and sometimes my head does too. Now i can remember a few times when it was just terrible. The pain can be unbearable sometimes. I can remember waking up in tears when i was little. but that is only sometimes most of the time i can deal. But today was pretty bad, normally my legs but today it went all the way up to my hips. it was weird. them hips don't lie. i later found out that it was going to rain.
My favorite story is when my friend Stacey and I were coming home after spending Easter with some friends out of town up north a bit and it snowed! It was so much fun. but as we started to head home the snow started to melt and it started warming up. so about 20 mins into the drive my legs start to kill me. I tried to just block out the pain, but it wasn't working. it was still freezing outside to i thought "hey, maybe i can numb the pain." So 1am in freezing weather i stick my legs out the window going 70 down the interstate. It became a game on lets see how long Kristi can go with her feet sticking out the window. best thing is it worked! (until the medicine kicked in)

I think it is kinda cool though. its like my own personal weather channel.