So for those of you that don't know. My amigos and I started a "quote book" that became the center of our attention (other then God and campers and friends and all that stuff). Needless to say it was a definite highlight.
If you get really confused.... you're just going to have to go with it. Because most of it is inside jokes. And they were all said in incense. We didn't realize what we said until afterwards. Most of the time.
And i am going to copy over. so this is what it really says.
BY: Whitney, Hanna, and Kristi. (but mostly hanna writing it all down.)
"Kristi why do you have boobs?" -Hanna
"If you watch Dale's tricks closely you can see Jesus." -Kristi
"Should i bend this ba in my mout?" -Kenneth
"Blake's beautiful... it's true." -The Admirers
"hfidospajfniosaphfdshgbiosagh...... Cancer.... hsdiayfiodshai... Amen." -Some Pastor
"Aaahh, You're my gypsy table!" -Kraig
"Syrup!" -Kraig
"I'm not turning here, this is stupid. Oh shoot" -Kristi (those of you who were there, you know what happened. and what was said. my apologies)
"Blake is for lovers... right?" -Kristi
"Thought you had to hit puberty first to get anything out of it... seems like it would be so hard." -Hanna
"I love Dicks" -Hanna
"Bay Beh?" (in funny Chinese accent) -Some Movie
"We don't have any eggs!" -Kristi
"I hate kids with cancer." -Hanna
"Foxes?? Don't they attack?" -Whit
"Ayayayaya aahhhh" -Chinese man from the Grudge 2
"Hanna your monster vibrator is going off!" -Kristi
"No, my vibrator is only loud on hard surfaces." -Kristi
"Is that you?????" -Creepy Security Guard
"Kristi. Did you just roll your eyes after praying??" -Whit
"I feel all bloaty." -Beautiful Blake
"Push-pops are dirty." -Kristi
"I'm going to miss Fred (the bug we squished on the wall)." -Hanna
"Ahhhh.... Racoon. Racoon!" -Kristi
"If you can't fit through that hole, what hole can you fit through?" -Crazy Black Girl at the Capitol
"Hang on guys it's getting hot. I gotta take my pants off." -Kristi
"Who are you?? We don't even know you." -Kristi and Hanna as Kevin's brother jumps out from behind the door to scare them.
"Heath Ledger if you were alive right now i just want you to know... I'm covered in chocolate." -Kristi
"It's so hot in here!!!" -Laura
"Are you going to help me kill those little stinkin mofos??" -Kristi
"You know why!" -Whitney while practicing her junk punches (thinking the whole time that it was "jump" punch.)
"Is that it?" -Kacy
"What is that???" -Kristi and Hanna as a strange never-before-seen animal runs by.
"Whats your favorite color?" -Camper
"Well i have a lot of black." -Joe
"The color of your soul." -Whitney
"COOKIES!!" -Laura
"Honey, we've got the rest of our lives together." -Blake
"Don't encourage her." -Evan
"Stop teasing me!" -Kristi
"I go in my BATHING SUIT!!!!" -Whitney
"Let the kids have sex. It's camp." -Kristi
"I want a green one (a pc that is)." -Ken Freeman (Taylor knows)
"What the FFFFF............ French Toast!!" -Whitney
"Hey my knitta!" -Ken Freeman
"I'm going to go outside and wait. And it would be great if you guys would, you know. COME!" -Kristi
"Awe. Hey Evan." -Whitney
"I got stuck when i was coming up." -Kristi
"Kristi! Shed a freaking tear!" -Whitney
"Here come a Hanna." -Unknown
"So is that what happens when you get in Blake's pants?" -Jake
"And i just pray for Matt and Deondra. For all those little things they did late into the night." -John
"This is my bare-chested goodbye." -Alex
"Boy what the hell is wrong with your fingernails?!?" -Old hick man
If you want to add a quote or just question one. Feel free. Some of them need explaining.