I have had a long and heartbreaking past with cats. I won't get into details, but its bad. Here are they're names, how they died and how old they were...
Stary- hit by car-6 months
Spaz- hit by car - 1 year
Oryan- got sick and died - 2 years
Bono (Fat Kat)- got sick and died - 1 year
The Edge (Skid)- went blind, got sick and died - 1 1/2 years
So yeah, i'm on my 6th and 7th cats. we get them in twos now. but anyway, these 2 are the first ones for me to actually pick out. I got them from a shelter over 2 years ago. yep its been over 2 years. We have broken the record! anyway Usta was sitting on my bed this and i couldn't help but take pictures.
Usta is such a strange cat. She will make sure you know what she is thinking. when i came for a weekend between camps she was mad at me for leaving her. and she let me know it. she gave me the cold shoulder the whole time. then she bit me. she has never bitten me, ever! then when i came home for good she was the most loving i had ever seen her. she was with me every second.
I know that dogs are supposed to play the best friend part and all. but my best friend out of the pets is Usta she knows my likes and dislikes. and i know hers. And this is the face she'll give me when she's mad...

But the thing i love the most, is that when i have my music playing full blast and i'm sitting on the floor reading she'll come and hang her head off the bed or come sit in my lap and fall asleep. I love that the things i do don't bother her. she doesn't care about the music, or how much i move around, and she won't even eat my food off a plate i might have next to me. She just keeps me company.

I wish i had photoshop again soo bad.
Awe...I miss Usta.
She has a special place in my heart. :]
i miss her too!
and you, of course! :)
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