Saturday, July 5, 2008

Starting New

So i was inspired this summer by a few people to really dig into some thoughts and write them down. And i love to post pictures and nonsense. i just can't right now because i lost my laptop... yeah i feel like part of me is missing.

I'm really trying to find out where i'm at right now... its a little hard at this very moment with Levi, Mat, and Adam playing rock band in the room behind me. But it is still pretty funny listening to them completely loose their minds and go crazy and then to hear mat scream "Mexican (something?)" after every song. I have yet to completely understand his full statement.

But back to blogging... i have been though more then i thought i ever would this past year and done things i really regret. And i couldn't figure out why it was that things weren't getting any better. They were around me but not in me. I was running from God. Then i realized in order to stand up after falling down i have to fall even farther on my face and get back to God. I've really felt him tugging on my heart lately, i just haven't been responding to it.

So this is one of the things i am going to add to my new life of running to God.

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